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ArtikelBlended Whisky - Living Souls 40 Jahre
BemerkungBlended Scotch Whisky mit 40% Malt-Anteil, Batch #1
Inhalt/Vol.0,7L / 41,2%
Preis155,00 € (entspricht 310,00 € / Liter)
Preis inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer, exkl. Versandkosten
BeschreibungRefill Sherry Butt
This release is a unique 40yo which was laid down to marry in 1998 in a refill sherry butt. Take a sip and you’ll find yourself sitting at a picnic table by the edge of a forest, the remnants of a burnt-out fire nearby. The table is laden with a variety of tropical fruits, their vivid aromas blending with the fresh, earthy scent of the forest. Each breath you take is a refreshing mix of wild, woodsy freshness and ripe, juicy fruit, creating a serene, natural escape into the wilderness.

Living Souls Limited, 168 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4TP
Inverkehrbringer: Alba Import OHG, Alte Dorfstraße 33, D-21640 Nottensdorf

Kunden BewertungeneKomi Shopsiegel

Öffnungszeiten online: 24/7
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Inhalt: Doris Debbeler, Realisierung: F.Jelinek